November 18, 2008

Lack of Pictures

Some of you have may noticed that I am lacking personal pictures for some of my posts. This would be do to the fact that I have a terrible camera. I haven taken some pictures but unfortunately, they are so blurry that you can't even distinguish what you are looking at.

But lucky for me, my birthday and Christmas are coming up. So I thought I could help my family out by posting a list of things I want.

1. Digital Camera
2. Hairdryer (just get me the one like Mom's)

As everything I want is kind of expensive, I thought I would just list the two things that I want the most.

(If you have further questions about the make and model, just let me know. I have specifics picked out.)


April said...

MOLLIE!!! I can't believe I found your blog! Thanks alison! HOW ARE YOU??? Man, it's been so long, are you in Utah? I'm sure your touring the world over! I'm so jealous! My email is My blog is private so shoot me an email so I can invite you!!! I'm having twin boys in february! We have to catch up!

Jeff and Brittney said...

HAPPY BIRHTDAY! I know I am a day late, but we don't have internet at home so it isn't as easy for me to get online anytime I want! I hope you had a fun time celebrating! I have a good memory when it comes to dates. I have always thought of you on Dec 1st and wondered what you are up to. I hope you are well!

Love, Britt