January 5, 2009

MUST SEE: A Movie of Epic Proprotions!

In high school there was Titanic. I remember that for seminary everyday for a month after the movie came out we would sing Nearer, My God to Thee. Don't worry that a group of girls would bawl through the entire hymn. I managed to avoid the drama by not seeing the movie. (Of course I have seen parts but never really got into the whole Titanic movement.)

Then a few years later came Pearl Harbor. My sister Megan loved it and went to see it with me. Sorry to say, but I HATED that movie. Could it have been more depressing? I liked the war story, but the whole romance thing didn't work for me. I like happy endings and I didn't like what happened to Josh Hartnett. Needless to say, I have only seen the movie once.

Well after years of waiting, I found my movie of epic proportions. Australia! I LOVED this movie. Now I have to admit I was very hesitant to go and see it. I had heard it was okay, but that it was super long. I tend to have a short attention span and any movie that goes over 90 minutes is a challenge for me. But I didn't really have anything to do and we needed to use our movie passes before they expired so I figured why not.

I am so happy that I went, this movie made in my top 5 fave movies of all time (along with Pillow Talk, The Italian Job, Sweet Home Alabama, and Batman Begins.) Hugh Jackman , the cutest little kid, tons of action, a little suspense, and tons of romance makes this a must see! I recommend that everyone go and see this!

(If you don't like, don't let me know. I don't really care what any one else thinks about it.)

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Mollie! I loved that movie too! Loved getting an update from your blog! Such cute picts!