October 19, 2009

3rd Time's the Charm

I had the opportunity to go to Palmyra again.  A friend was in town and really wanted to go and check it out in the fall (she had been there every other season, just not fall.)  I was up for some fun and decided to take the trek out there with her.  I finally was able to see all the church history sites (and even did the tours, though we told them we only had a few minutes at each place and got the condensed version.  That my fave way to do it.) 

Only misadventure that occurred was missing the turn-off from the 87 to the 90 on our way back.  42 miles later I happened to see a NYC 100 miles away sign that helped us realize we were on the wrong road!!  So it only added an additional 2 hours to our 12 hour road trip.  But it was some good times with a great friend.








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