October 28, 2008

Settling In

I was so grateful to have my mom with me. She helped me so much with putting my room together. Now if you know me, you know that I have to live in very clean, organized, and put together places. My mom was very patient and helped me achieve that.

When I first moved in, I had purchased some of the furniture from the previous roommate including a bed, a wardrobe, and a desk. The mattress was okay, but the frame was terrible. I needed a new desk (it had to be bigger), and I needed to paint the wardrobe. IKEA, Target, and Home Depot became well known locations. (I think I can even get to most of them without a GPS.) It truly became an adventure to find a box springs mattress/frame, to transport the mattress on the top of my car, and to build several pieces of furniture.

By the time my mom left to go home, I was left with a beautiful room that I love living in. My favorite part is the quilt that she and I worked on together right before I came out to Boston. I know that I will love it and that it will keep me warm especially as it gets colder.


simplysarah said...

It looks so cute! You have such great style. Way to go on the quilt! Can't wait till you post some bigger pics so I can look closer....:)

Jenny said...

so cute! Your place looks great. Love the bedding