November 2, 2008

Thriller, Scary Movies, & No Costumes

My Halloween was super fun this year. On Thursday night, I went to the So You Think You Can Dance Show. It was so fun and filled my first need of Halloween. For the closing number they danced to "Thriller." Now the present Michael Jackson leaves much to be desired, but old school Michael is awesome and I love "Thriller." I love that they show the video all the time during October on MTV and Vh1. (By the way, I am super addicted to music videos. I could make a full time job out of watching them.) It was so great to see the top dancer in skeleton outfits dancing out to the song.

On Halloween night, my roommates, next door neighbor, and I went to a totally cool theater to watch classic Horror movies. It started at midnight and went until noon the next day. I only made it for the first two, but I had a great time. The first movie was "Prom Night" the original one. It was made in 1980 with Leslie Nielsen and Jamie Lee Curtis. It was absolutely hilarious. I laughed almost the whole time. Then we took a short break for a costume contest. I loved seeing everyone else's costumes and the fact that I didn't have to dress up! One of the weirdest costumes was a lady dressed as a firehydrant with a stuffed dog peeing on her. I don't where some people come up with these ideas!

It's 4:30 in the morning, don't expect perfection!

1 comment:

simplysarah said...

Sounds like fun! You and Tristan both look great. :) Tell her hi for me