February 2, 2009

To Cut or Not to Cut

I have been trying to grow my hair out for quite some time. I am just a few inches away from the length that I would like it to be. I really love long hair. The thing is, I think I like long hair on other people more than myself. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think I look bad with long hair, it's just that I never do it and I like changes with my hair. (Blame it on beauty school, I can't have a hair style for longer than six months.)

My roomies think that I should think more about my decision to cut my hair, my mom thinks why not cut it. If I don't like it, it's just hair and it will grow.

So, the verdict is.........



Of course I cut it, as I said I can't have a hair style for longer than six months. At first, I will admit, I didn't like it. I was wondering if I made the right decision. I did, the trick to doing this hairstyle is to not do my hair! I tried straightening it, bad idea (especially because one side is longer than the other). I tried doing it really curly.I wasn't really a fan of either. Instead, I figured out the trick is just to put in some product, blow dry for 5 minutes, hairspray, and go! I love it and most of my friends out here love it to.

So if any of you are contemplating whether or not to change up your style, I say go for it. A little change can never hurt anyone.


Alison said...
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The Jackson's said...

Love it! I'm always up for a change. Especially a drastic one!

Alison said...

I can't believe how long your hair was!! And so thick and beautiful. But you know me...you made the right choice ;)

Unknown said...

Its seriously cute! Of course not as cute as what you did to my hair, now that was SERIOUSLY cute and I still LOVE IT.

The length and style are very flattering to you. Its kind of like you have the best of both worlds, a little long, but at the same time a little short.

Unknown said...

You Little Jerk! You didn't even tell me that you had cut your hair I was talking to you on the phone! haha It looks good Mollie

Pookie said...

Mollie your new haircut is so cute! I absolutely love it!!!!

Michelle Denson said...

Cute hair Moll! What I wouldn't give for hair as thick as yours!! Love it!!

Gabby said...

Mollie, Love the new haircut! Cute Cute CUTE!