"It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end." Ursula Leguin
This is the story of my life. I am a total destination person. I couldn't wait to finish high school so that I could be in college. I wanted to rush through college so I could get a good job and start earning money. Beauty school, okay that was fine to rush through. Even when I went to grad school I rushed through finishing in 18 months instead of 2 years. But why? All I find is another stressful situation that isn't necessarily better or worse, just different. I would like to say that I have learned to enjoy the journey more, but I have a feeling this is a lesson that I will be learning over and over in my life.
I just read Eat, Love, Pray by Elizabeth Gilbert. I really enjoyed this book and one passage struck out to me. I think this describes my inability to find much joy in the journey. She talks about time and how short it is. It really bothers her. It also bothers me. I feel I have to push myself at maximum speeds in order to experience everything possible. If I could split myself into multiple Mollie's I would so do that. That way I wouldn't have to miss a moment of life. She then tells a story of a friend from Ireland who was sharing his stories of travel and self exploration to his father. This friend tells his dad that it was essential because it helps to quiet your mind. His father then tells him he already has a quiet mind. I don't. I am way to anxious, interested, and involved with life. I don't know how to let go or sit back and relax, sometimes I don't really know if I want to either.
Anyway... For right now I am trying to enjoy my time in Boston, even though I am on a path I never thought I would be on, and I am trying not to wish to be on to the next phase. I just need to take one day at a time.
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